ChatGPT for proofreading?

There are various problems when using ChatGPT or other automatic tools, such as and others, for proofreading or grammar correction. Here, we will see a case study of a comparison between results obtained from a human proofreader and texts that are automatically generated by ChatGPT. As you will see, ChatGPT can sometimes change the meaning of the text, and in general it is not necessarily providing genuine and reliable information.

Here is the correction made by one of our proofreaders:

Hi All,

Good day to you all. Today is Tuesday
, and it is a lovely day.

The deadline for the current task for our amazing students is due shortly. I have reminded you before and
and remandingreminding you again, to make sure that the student’sstudents submit this on time and marked it is properly.

The deadline for submission is on WED
, and everything must be marked by THURS.


For the marking make sure that you submitted to your manager on time and the score sheet is all filled in with all the details and it has been done and on time and in the right place. This has been explained to you in your training and should all be clear to you.

This task is very important to complete, so make sure it is done!!!!!! Check the guide sent to you before.

There should be no questions as you had a previous training and all the info has been sent out
totoo many times to you all. Check your emails again to find the information.

, remember next week is the exam for the final exam. You should have all completed units 1-8 by now and startstarted the rev. These exams are really easy as they are multiple choice. Remember to tell the students, that it's very important they know.

, remember to submit your portfolciosportfolios for the students next week after the exam after the marking for the ss work. I will confirm the date & time some time soon. It is just a reminder so you do not forget.

Have a good time marking and good day to you all.

And here is the result received from ChatGPT for the exact same text:

Hi All

Good day to you all. everyone,

Today is Tuesday and it isit's a lovely day.

I would like to remind you that the deadline for the current task for our amazing students is due shortly. I have reminded you before and and remanding you again, make surequickly approaching. Please ensure that the student’sstudents submit thistheir work on time and markedthat it is properly marked.

The deadline for submission is on WEDWednesday, and everything must be marked by THURS.

Thursday. Failure to do this will affect your performance.

For theWhen marking, make sureplease ensure that you submittedsubmit your work to your manager on time and thethat the score sheet is allfully filled inout with all the details and it has been done and on time and in the right place. This has been explained to you in your training and should all be clear to you.

This task is very important
, to complete, soso please make sure it is done!!!!!! Check the guide sent to you before.

There should be no questions as you had a previous training and all the info has been sent out
completed. Please refer to the guide sent to many times to you all. Check your emails again to find the information.

Also remember
before for any questions. Remember, next week is the exam for the final exam. Youand students should have all completed units 1-8 by now and start the revshould start revising. These exams really easy as theyare multiple choice. Remember to tell, so please remind the students, very importantthat they knoware not difficult.

, remember to submit your portfolciosportfolios for the students next week after the exam afterand after the marking for the sstheir work. I will confirm the date & time someand time soon. ItThis is just a reminder so you do not forget.

Have a good time marking and
have a good day to you all.

First, you can immediately see the number of changes made by ChatGPT, which can completely change the nuances or meaning of the original author.

Second, the large amount of changes can make the life of the original author of the text more unwieldy, since it takes more time to compare the changes of the ChatGPT, especially when some of them are not required. Submitting a text generated by ChatGPT without a proper review or comparison with the original text is definitely not recommended.

You can observe many unneeded changes, such as "to you all" -> "everyone", "it is" -> "it's", and more. The whole sentence about "There should be no questions" was changed in meaning to "for any questions". The author didn't want to receive questions, but the altered text does. Furthermore, the author wanted the reader to remind the students that the exams are multiple-choice, but the altered text changed it to "remind the students that they are not difficult", which is different in meaning.

The original text with eAngel corrections can be found here.

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