I choosenchose "The Selfish Giant" from the Oscar Wilde tales that were listed, because the title appearedseemed interesting, recalling and reminded me of some other tales about giants that I read in the past about giants.
The story
speak aboutdescribes a giant thatwho was very selfish, expeciallyespecially about his own garden, thatwhich was used by many children as a playground during the absence ofwhen the giant was away. When he came back, he was very angry with the children thatwho used hoshis garden, but then he changed his mind whenonce he understood the power of sharing and love.
Honestly I totally agree with the message of the story, but honestly I didn't like it a lotthe story itself very much, perhaps forbecause of the narrative method or for the ending, that - for me - was unexpectedwhich surprised me.

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