We are the Altamayoz Alshameel Center.Mother RayanaRayana's mother come to us forto asses her daughter. We are assessing Rayana and have found that.the following:
Subjective Examination: Rayana
was born in America with Cri Du Chat Syndrome. She takeshad Intensive Physical therapy for tow yearTherapy two years ago, Then backthen came to Saudi Arabia And takeand had private physical Therapytherapy at home. Rayana complains of Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease. She's also she did ahad surgery on left her eye Greasy bagleft eye. Normal Visionvision and hearing, but speech some wordsome words are unclear in her speech. Her behavior was Hyperactivehyperactive. Now, her family want joinwants to enroll Rayana towith the Altamayoz Alshameel centerCenter.

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