To: Staff computer users
From: Anna He Wong <>
Subject: Adobe Creative Cloud Access Codes Are Expensive!

Unfortunately, I cannot buy extra licenses for the latest Adobe Creative Cloud apps and services for home use
. Oror for any other use. Some staffers have asked for this privilege., Which is cost prohibitive.

This cloud-based suite of applications has many outstanding features, and I would be happy to demonstrate some of it to anyone who drops by the Document Production Department. Purchasing access to this software for private use would be too expensive. Like many cloud-based software titles, Adobe Creative Cloud is subscription based, per month, per user. We cannot use access keys for more than one computer each. The access keys are unique
. Definitely and definitely not for home use! If you stop and think about it, it makes a lot of sense. Software companies need to provide unique access codes because otherwise they wouldn’t be in business long. Eventually, they would not earn enough money to stay in business. Oror to develop new software.

This e-mail is to inform you that we cannot provide extra licenses for Adobe Creative Cloud access due to the fact that we agreed to limit use to work-related projects only. Thank you for your cooperation.

Anna He Wong, Manager
Document Production

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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