Dear Dr Nadia Rahab ,
I'm a third year English student (license) in the department of English of Tahri Mohamed University of Bechar, ALGERIA
.The nextNext year (2020-2021), if the God wishes, I need to choose a specialty to complete my MA and this is what I'm still not sure about. , whichWhich specialty should I need to choose ? The specilty A specialty that can help me to be a great leader and a professional professor in the future . Actually, I prefer linguistics and translation among all the modules that we have studied them, but I still can't take this critical decision that will determine my career. Therefore, I also don't know also which university I needshould to choose. , itIt is my dream to win a scholarship and study abroad, especially in those higher level universities ,; most notably, universityUniversity of London , Oxford , leedsLeeds, ...etc.
An adviceAdvice from an expert Dr in this sphere ,such as you, will be very helpful for me and this is really what I wantam asking from you,if would itif possible!
I would be very grateful indeed for your help.
Best regards
Fekir Souad-Israa

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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