The “four pillars” identified in President Trump's national security strategy has influenceinfluenced me as a leader, encouraged me to set a good example and motivatemotivated me to come to work every day and motivate others to do it too. “i. Protect the homeland, the American people, and the American way of life; ii. Promote American prosperity; iii. Preserve peace throughout strength; iv. Advanced American influence.” (Trump, 2018). These pillars can work as a tool to help others understand the reason why we do what we do as these four principles are common goals and interestinterests that we all share.
In NATO we work with allied nations and all the branches to develop joint operations with other headquarters. In this environment
, the understanding of JOPES/APEX as a senior leader is key. NATO have developed and ratified an Alliedallied joint doctrine hierarchy of publications that outlines the doctrine and tactics, techniques, and procedures ((J-5), 2017). My section oversees, budget, and manning. Understanding joint operations has helphelped when working with planners and evaluators from multiple organizations during the development of exercises as we can understand the goals and allocate proper resources,; also to communicate constraints this way we can provide the team a realistic training environment. There are certainly barriers in the process, but having a common framework certainly makes the process easier.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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