Trying to get some easy to read statements for the four headings below.

Systems are becoming more modular
, and functionally more targeted. GreSmat sysrtems, can be seamlessly joinked -up systoems provide great customer experiences.

Cloud Computing
Hosting and running systems
isare becoming a commodity service. Thiese enables a consumption model that can provide immediacy, scalability and cost effectiveness.

Big Data / Analytics
Data collection and processing is becoming cheaper and easier.
AnalysWis systems are becomingh smarter, and more powerful. Thanalysis providsystems, the opprortuvision is tyhere to create new insights from your data to,and improved decision making.

Digital Workplace
Consumerisation of technology
, and improvements in connectivity, enables new ways of working. Thiese provides new opportunities to engage and empower employees.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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