In this contemporary world, as an avenue of entertainment and communication, and as a research and reference tool, the internet has had a huge impact on the modern societies , life hads become easier and the internet has become an essential component of people’s lives in the 21st century.
Ten years ago, the internet was practically unheard of by most of the people,. tToday, it is one of the most powerful tools throughout the world, modern family life has been enhanced by developments and changes of the technologym and these growing changes bring social and economical consequences ton different asprects of our daily life.
Studies hasve indicated that around three billion people around the world are using the internet,: the countries with largest number of internet users includes China, United States of America and India.
However, there isare concerns that the disadvantages and negative influnences may outweight the benefits to the society, as the internet can be both helpful and hindering to people of all ages,. oOur approach is to avoid wrong choices, otherwise our connection to the internet and technology can destroy us.
So what is the internet and what are its advantages and disadvantages ?
The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.
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