I think that I am suitable as an ordinary member because I
Tthink that I am lack of courage, mentally and physically, and
Aam incapable of communicating or interacting properly.
I prefer being an ordinary member
, a follower, being
ad and guided by capable Lleaders, leaders twhato make
theisr people admire and respect thiem. I would like to be an
ordinary member
Tthat enjoys success, but does not have
to worry about
Sseveral issues that could occur. I would like
Tto be an ordinary member that reacts and doesno't anticipate.
I would like to be an ordinary member
, givmaking suggestions
instead of making
Ttough or final decisions, because I am
indecisive. I am suitable as an ordinary member because
I do not take
the initiate and have only have the knowledge of an
Oordinary member . Being a leader plays a significant role
Iin the success of the band ,. iIt takes a person with brains
Tto lead, and an even a greater mind to lead others in the right
Ddirection. Every leader is a follower and being a follower is
Aalso a leader. Thus, I am suitable to be an ordinary member.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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