I would like to draw your kind attention thatto the commercial license wasthat expired on the 25.25th March. 2017. Please ask the Contractorcontractor to submit a valid one. It is also very important for the Contractor’scontractor’s letter to be signed by the manager whose name is mentioned in the valid commercial license; it is noted that the current attached letter is signed by somebody called Ayman EL Bayaa. The letter must make a reference to the Board Resolution of converting STME ( Dubai Br) to a limited company. Please ask Contractorthe contractor to follow point 4 in my below email below dated 20th March, 2017.

One last point is that I believe the name of our Contractor must be STME Solution (
Dubai Br) because I notice that the name in the business license is STME Solution; the word “Solution” is supposed to be part of the name of our Contractorcontractor; could you please double check this point ; just for more confirmation.

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