Enough of Statestate government presenting, or promoting, laws and ordinanceordinances that infringe on the God givenGod-given and Constitutional rights of the parents and citizens of California

As Governor of California, I will truly represent the rights of the people; making California a government truly of, by
, and for the Peoplepeople......

As a resident of California for 53
yrsyears, I have seen the good and much of the bad that has taken place...

Honestly, I've had enough of hearing
, and speaking about, what's wrong with California, and I'm willing to do my best to change things for the better...

With your vote
, I will beingbe an end to the negative....,

No more ignoring the excessive profits of
Businessbusiness at California residenceresident's expense....

in housing, Fuelfuel, Foodfood and Pharmaceuticals By negotiatingpharmaceuticals. I will negotiate with Major Oil Companiesmajor oil companies, like Exxon, AMPM (BP), and others to reduce their fuel prices;, as well as demand Pharmaceutical Companiesthat pharmaceutical companies to lower their prices for medication, if they desire to continue sellselling their medication in California...

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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