I saw Youryour advertisment in an international studenstudent magazine and ITogether with my family I am very interested in offering an accommodationaccommodation for a student who comes from another country.

I believe that
for student it is much more uniquepreferable for a student to stay in familieswith a family rather than to stay with thein college accommodation. While living with thewithin college accommodation, the studentsa student will probably spend their free time, enjoying the classic sightseeing destinations. However while living under the same roof with a local family, the students getsa student has a chance to getbecome acquainted with much more than the tourist brochures offer. Students can actually be part of that countrysthe country's customs.

SuccessfulA successful host family should have abundant space in their home so the student could have herhis/her own private place. Another important quality should be to be open minded and serene as the student might come from a completely different environment and it is important to tolerate the student as she/he is. The last thing I would like to emphasize is that host families should be outgoing and include the student in their mundaneeveryday life. When a family has all these qualities, then it is granted that the student will have a wonderful stay.

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