Reasons offor Learning a New Language
At the present time, we can see that a lot of people can speak more than one language. There are three reasons that make people learn another language.
FirstFirstly, some people need to learn a different language for their studyingstudies, such us people who study medicine and programming. Moreover, some countries use only their language in studying. For example, if you want to study in Germany you need to know their language first. SecondSecondly, people must learn a foreign language for their jobs. Some jobs require their employees to deal with costumerscustomers from various nationalities. For instance, here in Saudi Arabia, anyone who works in a hospital should be able to speak English. Since, since it is the international language that must ofmost people talkspeak. The third reason to learn an additional language is for moving to another country. Due to the problems in some countries, many people migrate to other countries. For example, what is happening now in Syria, a lot of Syrian people movedare moving to turkeyTurkey, so they have to learn Turkish language to be able to live there. In conclusion, there are several reasons that make learning a foreign language necessary.

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