Is it a good idea for teenagers to help their parents with household chores? To my mind it is a must! Undoubtedly, teenagers, who help their parents with house works,housework gain some important skills, which can be used in adult life. Other members of the family can rely on them and the teens feel satisfied when they are praised for a good job or shamefulashamed when they fail to do something in a proper way. More over, the teensteens being responsible for something acquire some important habits and skills, thatwhich will be useful and important for them in their future life.
To start with, when a teenage boy or girl helps his or her parents with cleaning the house or doing other household chores, they are preparing for adult life. Cooking, shopping, washing, cleaning the flat are the things, teens should practice while living inwith their familyfamilies, before they grow up and live on their own.
The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.
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