High prices of ecological food affect the choices of average consumers. The average consumer in our county must think twice when they spend money for something. We want to eat healthy, but organic food is often too expensive for us. The most important issue is that this food costcosts more, isdue to the fact that ecologicalorganic growers spend more time on their crops than conventional growers. They do not use artificial fertiliser and machines but often maualmanual methods of controlling pets and diseases. Growers must find special land which complycomplies with restrictive organic requirements. They must think about distribution, and their cultivations on field what includecultivation, which requires self-education. and theirTheir employees must also follow proper organic protocol. Organic farms go over quality controls and getsget penalties for non-compliance . Following on from thatthe reason offor the high prices of organic food is the certification. We can eat certified food which is free from pesticides, but that costcosts more. Conventional counterparts are bigger, because theyfactory farms that do not follow asthe restrictive rules asof small, organic farms. They use pesticides and spraying, because mass-production provide biggerprovides higher profits for theirthem, but notnot profit for our health.

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