People always say, “Don’t be like Sylvia Plath.theyThey don’t mean not to commit suicide or put youyour head in the oven. They say that to mean for youmeaning not to put all of your feelings into a poem or any type of writing like she did. People may think about what she’s known for, if they’ve ever read her work. She’s known for so many things, like The Bell Jar, which was herthe only book she wrotepublished. She did write many poems, like Daddy, Ariel, Medusa, Magi, and many more. Others may know quite a bit about her life as a poet, but do people know about her life as a kid and adult. adult?
In October 27, 1932 Sylvia Plath was born. Sylvia was bornon October 27, 1932 in Boston, more specifically, the Jamaica Plain neighborhood. Her father had died whenWhen she was eight years old, her father died from diabetes complications. Her father was strict, as you may be able to tell infrom the poem “Daddy”. While in school in 1950“Daddy.” Sylvia was atwent to Smith College in 1950. SheWhile there, she fell into a deep depression in 1953 and tried to commit suicide. Then byin 1953. In 1955, she still managed to graduate with, summa cum laude, or with highest honors.

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