Three major character traits that I posses is that I’m loyal, caring, and generous.
Loyalty is an important character trait to posses as a N.J.H.S member. I’m loyal to my friends and, family and, you can always count on me to do any task you ask me too, whether it be big or small.
Caring is another character trait that I posses and exhibit. When someone
whether(whether or not I like themthem) is in need, I will help and care for them as much as I can. N.J.H.S members need to care enough to help others and I will do just that. GenerosityFurthermore, generosity is a third character trait I posses and exhibit . I love giving to people. It makes me feel better about myself and the feeling you get when you do something nice for another person is amazing. Last year, for Christmas, I saved money to buy kids in my class their favorite candies as a gift. It took some time to do, but it made others feel happy and that’s what N.J.H.S is about, - giving and helping others.
areare the three character traits that I posses.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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