I relocated here to dallasDallas with my husband about two years ago. While going through financial anand job placement issues, I decided now isit was the perfect time to get back into school anand complete this long term goal of mine.In hopes to, in the hope of make a better life for me and mymy family and me. I dropped out of school when iI was sixteen years old. However, since iI was eighteen years old, IveI've worked many of jobs,; from cashiering, to caregiving at an assisted living facility. But, due to my lack of education, I have yet to do a job or go to a school for a career iI really want.Witg With this program, im hopingI hope to change that for good. I can give you so many reasons why iI want this scholarship.But, but the nost inportantmost important reason is CHANGE. If iI can change my education status, I believe i canthat I will change my life around for the better.

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