In order to sufficiencyincrease the efficiency of basement ventilation at Nahar Complex, we submitted different proposal at various stages, which are as follows:

1) Proposal
On 12/2/18 we submitted first proposal of basement ventilation
; its synopsis is depicted below
a) 8 nos. Centrifugal fans
b) 11 nos. Turbo jet fans
cost involved: BDT 77 lacs
Proposal 2:
inIn order to minimize the costingcost, we reviewed the previous costing and the following revised cost synopsis is stated:
a) By changing the type of fans
, i.e. using 8 nos. Axial flow type fans, instead of centrifugal fans and other items will be same as mentioned above. Total Estimated cost involved: BDT 55 lacs
Proposal -33:
further weWe have reviewed further to minimize the cost ;we have prepared proposal 4, preparing Proposal 3, which has two Alternative likealternatives; however, Alternative -1&Alternative -2,which is1 and Alternative 2 do not provide adequate for sufficiency ofor sufficient ventilation system atsystems for basement 3, but we can improve our existing systems at basement 3 by adopting any one alternative. Alternative: 1:
By retrofitting 4 nos. existing centrifugal fans cost involved: BDT 20 lac
b)Alternative 1:
By involving 4 nos . new centrifugal fan and, estimated cost comes out to be BDT 30 lacs
decision is required, inregarding which alternative we will go ahead with.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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