In society today, punishment has been used to discourage would-be criminals from unlawful action. Since society has the highest murder rate, theand an interest in preventing murder, it should use the strongest punishment available to deter murder, and that is the Death Penaltydeath penalty. The theory is;: if murderers are sentenced to death and executed, potential murderers will think twice before killing for fear of losing their own life.
The death penalty was established in the 18th century BC. In 1608, Captain George Kendall was the first person be executed in the new coloniesNew Colonies. The death penalty is legal in 31 States and illegal in 19 States, Accordingaccording to the United States Department of Justice Capital punishment reportPunishment Report. According to, one1 in 25 people sentenced to death in the US is innocent, a study claims. Cases without the Death Penaltydeath penalty cost $740,000, while cases where the Death Penaltydeath penalty is sought cost $1.26 million. Paid by the tax payers.
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