Aubriea Coleman

Hi, my
name is Aubriea Coleman and my career goal is to be a successful and digital filmmakingfilmmaker and video production producer one day. I would love to produce and create my own projects to show the world the beauty of my art. OpenI want to open my own Studio One Daystudio one day or to work for a successful brand. I expect thethat the Art Institute of Phoenix towill help me strive towardstoward my goal and provide me the best education I can receive. I not only do I just want to graduate, I want to be able to say that I was a part of this amazing Institute. Although my profession drift off intoprofessional interests encompass many other things, there has always been a part of me that had an interestis interested in digital filmmaking and video production. I also believe that the Art Institute of Phoenix is one of the best institutes for my profession. althoughAlthough there are many schools out there, this particular school has always been my number one.
In order to be successful
, I feel as if you needone needs a lot of support and a lot of discipline a lot of support and to remain Focusfocused at all times.

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