Although I somehow managed to successfully gauge the interest of two prominent businessmanbusinessmen, I feel somewhat “not ready,” on a couple of different levels, to take on a project of this magnitude, due to having very limited leadership experience. Heck, in all truth, I’m a college drop-out that never even held a "real job." And still, untilto this day, stillI struggle withto even formingform complete sentences, as(as you can tell by now from the numerous grammatical mistakes ).

, considering the limited information I’ve shared on this venture, and, the obstacles that currently stand in my way, my question to you is--is: Do you believe that I could potentially be a good fit for the accelerator program?

As an entrepreneur at heart
, who is relentless in the pursuit of my goals., I am constantly striving to know, learn, and do more. My deepest desire is to live a life full of meaning and significance, while leaving a legacy. There are few things in this world that I desire more than to be part of an intimate community of experienced and diverse mentors that I could learn from (while getting my a** kicked and becoming the best version of myself),.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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