I want to wish Lamont Gary a Happy Father’s Day! I want you to know that I am so proud of you and the Father/Personfather/person that youryou're maturing be! You’ve been doing real goodreally well and I thank you for everything that you’ve done for me and your kids! Like I said, youryou're the real MVP , and I’ve never andI will never turn my back on you, no matter the situation! we’reWe’re riding with you through the dark and brighter days! I’ve been hard on you a lot, and that’s because I know you and what you are can achievecapable of achieving in this world. I cancould go on, but I just wantedwant to let you know how happy and blessed we are to have to have you in our life!lives! And I thank godGod for still allowing you to be here! We love you and I hope you enjoy your day to the fullest!

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