Cognitive behavior therapy is most researched and can be integrated with many play
therapy techniques. Cognitive behavioral play therapy has shown effectiveness with depressed youths (Shelby, 2012).
These interventions include self-monitoring of depressive symptoms, pleasant activity scheduling/ behavioral activation, cognitive restructuring, and social skills training (Drewers, 2009). Initially, muchmost of the interventions are targeted to help the client to identify how a thought can impact how we feel and behave. This is usually done through psychoeducation, which focuses on how our negative thought Inthoughts in behavior can lead to negative mood andmoods, therefore changing negative thoughtthoughts and behavior can improve moodmoods. Behavior interventions are done first, thingbefore the cognitive Interventionsinterventions with the rationale that they are easier to implement when a youth is experiencing depressive symptoms (Drewers, 2009). There is evidence ofthat many believe therapy games that can be used during this phase which include, including CBT 123, The Talking, Feeling and Doing Board Gameboard game, Stop and Relax Think Board Gameboard game, Thoughts and Feeling Card Gamecard game, and Feeling Playing Cardsplaying cards.
Psychoanalytical Therapy Techniques
Collage is a free association play therapy technique based on psycho
analysis, which has been studied to be effectively applied in assessment and treatment of symptoms of depression (Goldstein Therapy). Collage technique helps to put clients into a reflective state of mind so that they can talk freely and randomly about their thoughts, feelings and memories through images. Children are more responsive and open to free association in therapy, and there is also evidence that free association themthen prevents three common issues in therapy which include, including transference, projections and resistance, as it provides class with you telling methe ability to really examine their Thoughtsthoughts without the direct intervention fromof the therapist (Good Therapy).
Solution FocusedSolution-Focused Therapy Techniques
There are many research studies done that support the effectiveness of
solutions focusedsolution-focused
with youfor people struggling with depression (Martin & Guterman). This therapy focuses on clientsclients' strengths and, resources and coping skills to make positive changes, problem solve and improve symptoms of depression. Research shows that the use of the solution focused brief therapy technique called Magic wand questionsWand Questions results in the improvement of depressed mood among adolescents, as this technique as it gives a clear vision and concrete ideas to achieve a goal (Wells & McCaig, 2016).
Therapeutic Games and Guided Imagery
Research shows that
Therapeutictherapeutic games and guided imagery are popular interventions among adolescents with depression (Cheung, 2014). With the help of these creative interventions, social worker came to you withworkers can provide a supportive environment where adolescents can meet their needs for autonomy and realize their goal. Apostolic and Kolcaba’s (2009) research study indicates that the use of guided imagery is very successful To reducein reducing the symptoms of depression and stress among adolescents. Lin, Hsu, Chang, Hsu, Chou & Crawford ( 2010) state in their research Studystudy that the use of the Bonny method of guided imagery and music was asa successful intervention andfor treatment of youths with depression. Omizo, Omizo & Kitaoka 1998(1998) state in their research study that the use of 10 weekly guided effective and cognitive imaginary sessionimagery sessions improve the self-esteem of our youth with depression. Effective and cognitive imaginary session improve the self esteem of our youthyouths with depression. These research studies provide evidence that imagery and therapeutic games increase the therapeutic process and relationshiprelationships as well.
Application of Play Therapy Techniques
Target Behaviors
The client presents and reports symptoms of loss of interest in daily activities, low self-esteem,

hopelessness, social withdrawal and aggression towards his brother. Manuel also reports feelings
of inadequacy, thinking that he is worthless and doesn't deserve his parents’ attention.

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