Car Transport Auto has indeed transported the vehicle: 2008 BMW 128i from Spring, Texas to Los Angeles, California; however, Car Transport Auto has not in any way damaged the vehicle. During the time offrom 26 February 26, 2018, to 3 March 3, 2018, Car Transport Auto has not vandalized this vehicle. From the driver's recollection, this vehicle was already in a poor condition, to begin with. For instance, the driver has stated that this vehicle would not start, an inop-car (inoperative vehicle), there was an oil leak and the engine was shaking. Furthermore, in the Bill of Lading, it is established that the vehicle had countless damages such as scratches, cutcuts, dents, and cracks. To expand on the number of casualties, the Bill of Lading has presented that the entire front bumper had scratches along with both the left front and rear doors. Not to mention, the rear bumper right end was full of scratches as well. Likewise, the windshield was remarkably cracked.

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