We believe that the work of God has no boundary as we have watched countless videos of you on YouTube and Facebook traveling to break ancestral altars and liberating God’s people from village to village in Bamenda and also from nation to nation (for example Nigeria). We have also watched numerous testimonies and deliverances that have taken place in people's lives and most importantly the charitable works your ministry is blessing the needy in our communities. In addition, I did enjoy and benefited a lot from prayers when Prophet Franklin Afanwi Ndifor, your mentor (The(the general overseer), of Kingship International Ministries Cameroon came to the United States in 2017 and in this Yearyear 2018. We must acknowledge the fact that you and your mentor are such a blessing, not only to us but also to the Worldworld as a whole. We believe your coming will create a great impact in lives of most drug addicted American youths through prayers.

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