PerWith reference to your request aboutfor salary increase justification, please havefind the below justifications below.
1. For six years, I have been working with honesty and compassion in various positions in this bank (FMFB-A), in various positions. But according to my experience and my position in the Department of Talent and Development I have the lowest wage to take,; even those who arehired recently been hired in the department, has more wagehave a higher salary than meI have.
2. The wage that I receive now areis not adequate for the current lifeliving conditions. Because the- rent for the house I am paying, school feefees for my children and other necessities of life.
3. I want to continue my education to my MasterMaster’s degree thatand the bank also wants its employees to have highhigher education. But I cannot continue,, but because of the reason is low wagewage I cannot continue.
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