An opinion and viewpoint that many people have on part-time students is that itbeing in college only part-time is a good thing, as it helps themstudents make more money to pay off college fees. For example, studentsa student can work for seven hours foreach day, six days a week. andThey will receive a goodsizable amount of money that helphelps to paycover the cost of college fees and purchasethe needs of the students’ needsstudent, such as books. However, students do not have to go to part-time jobs, which consumethat consume the student’s time. Instead, students can give private lessons to other students who study the same subjects, and receive some money to pay for their education that way. Moreover, students can pay to the university after they graduate.
TheA second argument is that some people think students can takeget more experience from work as they can work atin different places with many different people who can teach them new skills that help the learnersthem in the future as professional workers. Moreover, they can make the students' CV more powerful, as they have more experience. ButYet as mentioned before, even part-time jobs have a badnegative side, they. They cost studentsthe student a lot of time and, effort especiallyand sometimes exhaustion when the job requirerequires a lot of physical exhaustionlabor. Moreover, part-time jobs causeput stress foron the studentsstudent, as every job hascomes with its own problems that cause confusion for the students. This is especially true if the students havetakes many difficult subjects whichthat require much focusa lot of focusing.
To conclude, part-time
job hasjobs have many benefits for students, especially poor students. However, it takes a lot fromout of students, such as time and effort. This is without helping the students in their majors. In my opinion, the government hasneeds to provide helpful part-time jobs to students, both to develop their skills in their majors and help them financially.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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