Conventional energy sources, obtained from our environment, tend to escape with relative speed due to itstheir irrational uses by humanity. ThisThe uncontrolled origin of natural energies, certainly leads to an agreement withthe instability of our system ecological instabilitysystem. Declining sources of oil, natural gas and natural sources of coal lead to an effortefforts to find new sources of energy to enable a reduction in the use of natural sources of fuel isas the desired goal of the industrialized countries of the world [1, 2]. In this context, solar energy appears asto be an important source such, as the quantity of solar energy that arrives on the earth's surface in a day is ten times more than other energy sources.
In 1839, Bacquerel saw the rise of photocurrent when
a platinum cathode secured with silver halide containing aqueous solution in electrochemical cell was lightlit up this perception, has as far back as beenwhich is known as photovoltaic impact. In 1870s, Willourghby Smith saw that selenium can assimilate light, andwhich turned out to be electrically conductive. In this manner, the photoconductivity of selenium was founddiscovered. In 1883, Charles Fritts made the first main sun basedsun-based cell by covering selenium with a thin gold layer, where 1-2% proficiency was watchednoted.

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