Two Diversified Restaurants in Thethe City
of the people prefer to taste various cuisines from all the origins. Such, such as, Grill dayDay restaurant, which offers Mexican and American food. In contrast, B and& G restaurant provideprovides Italian dishes. Both B & G and Grill dayDay restaurants have some similarities and a lot of differences to compare. One of the similarities between B & G and Grill dayDay restaurants areis that they all have indoor and outdoor food tables. The second similarity is that both B & G and Grill Day locate inare located on Sultanah Road. In B & G restaurant, Therethere are delicious dishes. similarlySimilarly, Grill dayDay restaurant has tasty food. In contrast, Therethere are huge differences between B & G and Grill dayDay restaurant. First of all, B & G restaurant offers only Italian food like pizza, pasta, and other Italian dishes. On the other hand, Grill dayDay restaurant offers Mexican and American food. Such, such as, Chickenchicken quesadillas and tacos. Furthermore, Unlike B & G restaurant, Grill dayDay restaurant is quicker in service. The waiter decides the time to bring the food, then the food comes on time without any delaysdelay. Moreover, Grill dayDay restaurant is cheaper than B & G Restaurantrestaurant. Workers and Cookerscooks in Grill dayDay believe that flavorful cuisines it is what leadleads people to order many variant dishes. On the contrary, B & G restaurant convince theirhas convinced its costumers that the best food deserves a more expensive price.
In conclusion,
Thethe similarities between B & G and Grill dayDay restaurant are three which isinclude the style of the restaurant, Locationlocation, and Alsoalso the delicious food they provide. In contrast, differences are the variety of food, fasttiming of service, and cheapcost.

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