Today we are going to look at how the writing, “gambling on sports is a really bad bet”. Demonstrates, demonstrates more validity and credibility in making me a better argument toto me. To begin, let’s talk about the pathos according to the article, “human nature being what it is it should come as no shock that the next level of appropriate gambling in America is sports betting states already have casinos the lottery in other ways of separating money from the weak for their ravenous bottomless offers so why not allow betting on sports contest”, (Cal Thomas ). thisThis is a good representation of pathos, because it makes you feel sad when the Authorauthor states, ”ways"ways of supporting money from the week for their ravenous and bottomless offers” it, makes the mood sad . This article had a good amount of Lagos and pathos that balances it out which makes for a good argument in the article, "school uniforms level the playing field”, which had a lot of pathos but only a little Lago. Since it had a lot of pathos, which isn’t a bad thing, but still lacked evidence to back up it’s clean. forFor example, in the text iof the article I started, ”uniforms"uniforms have helped give me more businesslike attitude and have help with the feeling of being prepared for life” in that article, they didn’t have any evidence to back it up, nor did Itit have enough evidence to back up its other claim. inIn order for you to have a good argument, you need to back up your claim, and have enough pathos and Lagos to balance it out as well.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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