Homologous or, homeopathic therapy or regenerative medicine is a form of alternative medicine based on similar treatmenttreatments.
The basic principle in this form of alternative medicine is that the healing of the patient is done by means of drugs that have been shown to produce in the healthy person the same symptoms that must be treated
, taking into consideration the structural and genetic characteristics of the patient. Medical compounds and essential drugs are used in very small amountsdoses, so they have no side effects, and this brings safety to patients who prefer this method of treatment.

Homeopathic treatment has been introduced in our
medical centerMedical Center since 1995, along with other classic and modern medical classic methods.

Since the beginning of August 2008, the Head of the Department of Homeopathic Medicine has been assigned to Ms. Hala Khadr, who has contributed effectively to the programming and updating of the therapeutic and diagnostic methods used in the Department of Congenital Therapy at our Medical Center.

Through her accumulated experience, Ms. Hala proved her ability to fill the gaps in the cases of classical medical follow-up. During her work at the
centerCenter, she visited theattended conferences on homeopathic medicine, which helped to deepen her therapeutic abilities, whichand was reflected on thein increasing successes known to thesethose patients Whowho were followed by them.

We wish Ms. Hala Khadr every success in a bright and practical

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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