Studies show which suggestssuggest that addiction to social media and networking may be alead to potential, mental, and physical health problemproblems. Statistics show that 55% of youths usesuse social media networks and the time spent on Facebook by people increased by 566% from 2007 to 2008 (Kuss & Griffiths, 2011). People who use social networking sites (SNSs) are more often were looked upon to beas being less involved with their real-life communities. The typical profiles of addiction can be introvert or extrovert. People who are introverts, tend to use more of social media in order to compensate for their loss inlack of real-life interactions. As giving and receiving negative feedback may be more common on the internet than in real life, people who are introverts, or have a negative social identity whoand investigate SNSs for compensation inof real life networknetworks may experience a negative feedback with the use of SNSs (Kuss & Griffiths, 2011). This may potentially result in increasing addiction to the use of SNSs and lower self-esteem. In the same way, people who are extravertsextroverts in real life may increase their usage of SNSs for self-enhancement, related to high narcissism. The increasing usage of SNSs may lead to social media addiction. Past investigations showed that mental health problems like jealousy, social tension, isolation, and depression are associated with the use of Facebook (The Economist, 2013), which may be due to people who turn to SNSs usually being more prone to negative emotions and thoughts in the first place (Kuss & Griffiths, 2011). Apart from mental health problems, physical health problems may appear with association to, associated with the excessive use of social media. Sitting for long hours in front of the computer or phone may also lead to back and neck aches, headaches, and increased risk of heart disease and diabetes (Alison, 2013).

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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