1. Do not insult others! Harassment, abuse, hate speech, racist remarks, sexual slurs and downright disrespect will not be tolerated.
2. Do not post pornographic content, including any NSFW and gore content.
3. Do not talk about politics, worldview, religion and any other controversial topic besides the #controversial channel.
4. Do not spam and
/ or publish posts lacking meaningful content. Make sure to stay on topic and use correct channels.
5. Do not publish spoilers from ANY game or movie, even if it's 30 years old. If you
wannawant to talk about it so much, use private chat.
6. Everyone has the right to share their opinion until it breaks down point 1.
7. Do not share any personal data or breach of privacy
, including photos.
8. Don't advertise your things without the moderator's permission.

Actions that don't directly interfere with these stated rules may still be punishable if deemed worthy of so, despite not being explicitly stated.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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