The structure and basic principles of technology for increasing the probability of identifying subjects of information processes of open Internet resources based on ontology methods are considered. Based on this ontology, the knowledge base is intended for creation of the program systems supporting ensuringto support assurance of information security has been realized.
The first step in building
thea domain theory is a formal description of the domain ontology, i.e. the meaning of all terms used termsthat are specific to the given subject area.
Cognitive ontologies of subject areas are a tool necessary to
achieveachieving the high pertinence of information retrieval and are needed to describe key concepts of a given subject area.
developed ontological knowledge base hasdeveloped was been used when developingconstructing the software complex intended for the identification of the userusers of social networks when ensuring information security, monitoring and preventing threats. This article is next in a series of articles by the authors in which they continue to monitor and analyse the current state and new tendenciestrends in the field of information security and the safety of information.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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