The first anime was Katsudo Shashin, made in the year 1917. When anime first appeared, it was only about 5 minutes long and only seen in theaters. Prewar animators had to compete with foreign producers such as Disney concerning popularity. This was since it was not cheap or easy to produce the animes, and many foreign companies had access and money. When world warWorld War 2 started, animes grew in popularity and were being used to enforce Japanese spirit and rational affiliation. First, pre-recorded voice anime was created by Kenzo Masaoka in 1933 and was called Within the World of Power and Women. The first color anime feature film was made in 1958 and called Hakujadon. In 1970 the Japanese film market shrank because of the competition from television. The first anime TV series was Tetsuwan Atom.
The first animes were done in chalk, having the lines erased and redrawn between camera shots. These films were silent and sometimes accompanied by live music and always had a benshi, who are narrators who stood by the screen and would narrate the film. Anime is considered an art form because it is drawn and, then transferred to a computer and then animated with CGI. Anime designs are developed and used from Manga.

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