Dr. Grantley Corss
Consultant Endocrinologist
City Hospital, Suite 32, 55 Main Road
New Town

Date: 24th January 2015

Dear Dr. Corss,

Re: Mr. Brett Collister, DOB: 20th November 1970

Thanking you in advance for seeing Mr. Collister, who has been suffering from type 2 diabetes mellitus with vision
problemproblems. He is being referred to you for further evaluation and treatment.

Following his current visit, this
middle agedmiddle-aged man has beendoes not havinghave enough energy with eye-ache and reduced vision. Although his blood pressure, and heart raterates are within normal limit andlimits with no abnormality in both lungs detected, his random and fasting blood glucose and cholesterol profiles are at thean alarming level.

Considering his last few visits started from
8eight (8) months back, he suddenly developed fever followed by sore throat which was treated accordingly. Additionally, a few months later he was attacked by sudden shoulder pain while playing a game that was also treated and diagnosed as rotator cuff trauma. Afterwards, a sudden development of knee osteoarthritis without any obvious triggering factor whatsoever, led him to seek medical attention again, which was also managed by conservative treatment.

Earlier this month,
Hehe had presented with a new development of symptoms like feeling less energy, eye pain, and light-headedness. In spite of his obesity, sedentary lifestyle, and uncontrolled diet, he had apparently normal blood pressure, heart rate, and clear lungs. Some investigations waswere advised in this regard.

It is worth mentioning that he had a history of infectious mononucleosis about a decade ago
andthough he is without any known allergy as wellallergies currently.

Considering all the signs and symptoms, the patient is provisionally diagnosed as a case of type 2 diabetes mellitus with reduced vision.

It would be highly appreciated if you could arrange an urgent assessment in order to chalk-out a management plan.

Please do not hesitate to
communicatecommunicate me for any further support that you may require.

Sincerely yours,

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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