According to the presenter, forensic science is historical science because ultimately wereit is about piecing together information from past events, info and piecing them togetherin order to reconstruct past events, trying to make" "the absent present". pastPast criminal evidence, which is not pinpoint accuracypinpointed accurately due to evidence fading. which is dependent, depends on the forensics scientist to try to accurate the data because people live dependspeople's lives depend on it. The video exemplifies an Issues,issue we might run into in court to provewhen proving a case in a courtroom is that as in the video. There must be guiding principles and guiding philosophy which opens a door for mistakes. Due, due to the fact there no solid evidence .
Current procedures for police lineups are to have the eye
witnesses identify a suspect during a live lineup. or to present the eyewitness with a series of pictures. lineupLineup will never be perfect because, according to the article., research has shown that the "human memory is unreliable"." that a memoryMemory can be subject to change and when affirmation is givegiven to the eyewitness, it makes them feel more "accurate with every recollection.' theThe best way to conduct a line uplineup procedure is the double blinddouble-blind line up, becausesince it prevents the police or administrator of the lineup from inadvertently providing cue to the eyewitness to pickfor picking the suspect. itIt would be a more accurate result if both the witness and administrator are unaware of thenot aware which line up member is the suspect under investigation. An exampe would be when scientist want to investigate more about a pill, so the scientist would give a group an actual pill and the other group a false pill and of course the scientist wouldn’twouldn't tell who received the real pill vs false pill. theThe researsher and the particpant would not knownknow, to prevent bias responses.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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