It all started about six years ago, during lunchtime at the middle school. This boy was walking towards my way, and he opened his mouth to take a deep breath to say, “ hey“Hey, Maria, do you want to join the archery team? Because we need more girls to make a full team.” The thought of trying out a Archeryfor archery was scary and intriguing, I’ve. “I’ve never done a Archeryarchery, but I could try it out. As I was looking at him, I beginbegan to say, I have to ask my parents first, but yeah, I’m interested.” Then he beginbegan to say, “ well“Well, let me know next week, practices. Practices are Tuesdays and Thursdays at the wellness center in Marlinton at 5.” I looked at him and said, “ alright“Alright, I will,” as I was starting to walk away.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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