UnderstandingThe interest in a better understanding of the feminine condition and discussions upon this very matter initially sprung forward during the nineteenth century. andThese conversations gained momentum in the twentieth century and is continuingcontinue these days, with thea diverse focus and scope in the twenty-first century. Although the foremost voice. The original objective was related to the rights of womenfight for women's rights, the next stop was onstep entailed obtaining more visibility and equality for females in every area of the society, which men had already structured and constructed, and in which menmales had defined necessities, rights, and wrongs. In this respect, the anamnesis of Euripides’Euripides’s Medea and Shakespeare’s Macbeth, as protofeminist literary examples, and Ibsen’s A Doll’s House, underpins and strengthens the ground of these discussions. In this paper, the underlying argument is that the “necessary wrong” deeds of Medea, Lady Macbeth and Nora in these plays stand for their takingembody those women's choice to take a courageous stance towardsagainst masculine normativity and gendered patterns of power. The pivotal standpoint of these characters underscores the necessary-nessnecessity of their deeds, and challenges the wrongness of produced gender and/or gendered subordination.

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