Recent years have seen the development of an important network in communications, which are Wireless Sensors NetworkSensor Networks that consists of a number of deployed nodes in large areas to sense the environment surrounding each node. The readings received by the sensor can be analyzed and treated either at the same node or at the relevant base station for various purposes. It is known that the security aspect has an important part of WSN in protecting data from attacks. Security can be improved with cryptography technologies, which are classified into two types, the asymmetric and symmetric encryption,; both cryptography techniques owns advantagehave advantages and disadvantagedisadvantages. The main merit of the symmetrical algorithm is less complex, hasty and less security than asymmetric algorithm since it utilizes one symmetric key. The security of the encryption application is associated with the quality randomness of the algorithm utilized to encrypt a message. The encryption method utilized to encrypt a message depends primarily on encryption random numbers.
The development of the technology made protecting of the information
is very important, the previous. Previous researchers generated series of the secret keys to improve the security, but thesethis series were low secureis low level security, it consumes a longlot of time and also reduces the throughput of the network; therefore, the work suggests a Key Chain Multiple Asymmetric method (KCMA) to generate chains secret key of thechains in twelve experiments based on (ECC, RSA, ElGamal) algorithms. These chains are combined by using a hash function (SHA2 and XOR). The randomness of the suggested KCMA method has been tested by using the Diehard statistical test. The results of the test show that the secret keys generated were a high level of security.

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