Karabakh conflict is one of the international crises that has had a relatively long origin. It took a long time, from February 20, 1988 to May 12, 1994, with the military confrontation between Armenia and the Republic of Azerbaijan, but, the prospects for peace have not been visible on its view so far. The Republic of Azerbaijan, as the most important actor in the geopolitical region of the South Caucasus, after the independence, confronted the geopolitical crisis of occupation of the land due to the territorial expansion of Armenia,; a crisis that later became international through the intervention of some powers. In the meantime, Turkey, as an ally of the Republic of Azerbaijan, has always tried to maintain its position among regional and trans-regional actors through the intervention in the Nagorno-Karabakh crisis. In the present study, based on a geopolitical theoretical framework and with a descriptive-analytic research method, we seek to answer this question: WhichWhat is the approach taken by Turkey towards the Karabakh crisis after coming power of the Justice and development party coming into power in 2003? The findings of the research show that Turkey's approach, after coming the power of the Justice and development partyparty's coming into power and following the strategic depth doctrine, influenced by the policy of détente with its neighbours and neo-Ottomanism, has followed the path of advocacy of Western policies toward independence and influence over the South Caucasus and Karabakh regions in pursuit of its own national interests.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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