Staring Bay, located in Southeast Sulawesi Province, Indonesia, has long been used by the local community for fisheries and fishing activities,; however, the rapid population growth and industrial activities around the bay in recent years is predicted to contribute significantly to the increase inof waste that is entering the bay. This particular study was aimed to provide baseline levels of trace metals, (Pb, Cu, Ni, Fe, and As), in this bay. Concentration and spatial distribution of trace metals were analyzed in order to determine the pollution status of the bay. Concentrations of trace metals were determined from 40 sites, which represented the estuary area,and industrial areaareas, as well as the inner bay, and outer baybays. These elements were analyzed for dissolved trace metals concentrations by using Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry, (ICP-MS). The trace metals varied from 0.049 to 0.685 µg L-1, (average = 0.261 ± 0.163 µg L-1) for Pb, 0.17 to 1.278 µg L-1, (average = 0.475 ± 0.252 µg L-1) for Cu, 0.375 to 1.469 µg L-1, (average = 0.754 ± 0.258 µg L-1) for Ni, 0.544 to 69.29 µg L-1, (average = 8.036 ± 13.779 µg L-1) for Fe, and 0.952 to 1.721 µg L-1, (average = 1.366 ± 0.168 µg L-1) for As. Comparing the metal composition of the bay to the mean oceanic concentrations, the average concentrations of Pb and Fe have exceeded the mean oceanic level while Cu, Ni and As were still inwithin the normal quality standard. We compared the results of Pb and Fe with previous data from other locations worldwide. PollutedThe polluted areas were found in the estuary, which might originate from industrial activities and brackish ponds. The results of this study can be used as reference data by the local government in further marine management in the Staring Bay region.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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