i am frank
Hello, my name is Frank.

I am looking for any bank manager over there to contact. i wantI would like to

have savice acconut over there i am coming over therea savings account with your bank. I will be arriving soon to stay

and invest my money, so be fore then, i needI would like to speak with a bank manager that i can

have his acconut
for an
number to let me transfer all my money to him for my

savice accont over there before i come over there pls if ur a bank

manager and you can do if for me pls
savings account. If this can be done, please contact me by mail or phoen

phone: (number(+4705553289). I have ($1,hundredand fiftymillion)$150 million to transfer

to you 4to open my starting savice acconut over there sosavings account, so please contact me let us ga2 .

talk about it so bye and thankThank you from frank.,


The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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