I remember when I was eight yrs.8 years old, I used to get anxious when I was seeingsaw red traffic lights, my. My body used towould get tense and it happened several times, my. My parents did not know what was happening, so. So, when sitting in the car, I tried to do anything to cover my eyes when I saw thea red traffic light. Years and years passed by, till in one of my psychoanalysis sessions, in a free association, I remembered when I was 2.5 yrs.years old aton a dark night, while I was passing from a street with my mum, on the other side of the street there was a wild street dog, close to my height, standing at the traffic light, staring right into my eyes. The terror I felt that night was all present throughout my life without even knowing why. When I could bringbrought it to the conscious formmy consciousness from my dark unconscious, this fear of the traffic light was removed.
In the structural model, Freud organizes the mind into three agencies; id, ego, and superego, which exist only metaphorically
, this. This model is based on the conflicts between wishes, reality, and ideas (Berzoff et al., 2016). The id, is located in the unconscious, whichand is a source of sexual and aggressive tendencies, it. It wants things at it’s own urge, and reciprocates when it doesn’t get it, which; it’s nonrationalirrational, instinctual, and somatic, mainly libidinal. It runs by the pleasure principle, in where thewhich pain is avoided and it is defined by the search for pleasure where the, as realistic constraints are avoided. Censoring happens when morality comes into play to assure every experience happens in a moral context; it’s processed through repression, wherein which the contents are minimized and dismissed.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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