Humans, like other animals, have created different methods to facilitate jobs, such as hunting. With our superior intelligence, we have developed the workmeans of obtaining food undemandingon demand, constructing farms and other structures that help make the labor of searchingproducing food more effortlessly. This creates a discussion of how animals must be treated, dividingwhich divides into two points of view,; some saying animals must have the same rights as humans, while other onesothers think that this treatment is good for usacceptable.
Animal rights are
lawaddressed by laws in most of the world,; such as humans the, animals need to be respected, with freedom, without causing them pain, satisfying their needs, and preserving their environment, but this is far away from the rights some people are fighting for. A big amount of the society considers that the food industry and other onesindustrial production that requirerequires the use of animals don'tdoesn't treat themanimals in the way they need, basing theirdeserve. Their ideas are based on the rationality an animalthat animals can have, seensentience; seeing animals as other living and thinking thing,things in the way that humans are.
Even though these people, in most cases vegans, have
in some way good arguments, this does not stop the industry, because as. As humans, we have evolved in technologytechnologically, so that the labor ofinvolved in searching for food is easier. In this process the, animals are harmharmed, but withfor a purpose, also taking also into account that wehumans are created as omnivoresomnivorous creatures, so we can eat meat and plants, and that the other carnivores and omnivorous creatures around the world also kill other animals in a less massiveextensive way to eat.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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