Hello, Natasa!
I am writing to you in connection with the financial forecast
, that we have already tried to clarify in our previous phone call. All in all I have already understoodunderstand some of the information, but there are a couple of things that I would like to clarify.
If I remember correctly, you said the revenue was expected to be 70
, with a margin of 20, wichwhich represented a 33 percent margin. Is that right?
Sorry, but I didn't catch
, that what made Product 2 different and more consistent than the other two products? CouldWould you please remind me what you said about that?
I would
also like to double-check, the year in which year there wouldwill be a downturn as the market becamebecomes mature.
Thank you for your help in advance. I am looking forward to your answer.

Zsombor Kis

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