Hello, and welcome. This quick guide was developed in order to provide the necessary knowledge so that anyone can start from absolute zero and achieve financial independence with the stock exchange and the financial market. However, first of all, I would like to say that this guide does not aim at getting rich quick, but rather, getting rich slowly and always focusing on the long term. So don't expect to find magic formulas here to multiply your money overnight here. In addition, the enrichment strategies covered here will include several concepts in the capital market, and, if you are not familiar with these terms and related concepts, you will need to familiarize yourself with some terms in the area to fully understand the topics covered, which; these terms will be presented below:
i) Investments: The term “investment” in this e-book will be limited solely and exclusively to the allocation of capital in the financial market with a focus on the long term, thus ignoring any other type of capital allocation that may be considered an investment, such as options binary, day trading and other types of “investments” outside the stock exchange, such as sports betting, horse racing, boards, physical properties or any other type of investment.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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