We want to thank you for the proposal mentioned below. Please note that the scope of works from day one will not be limited to Due Diligencedue diligence.
The agreement's terms and conditions are mutually agreed upon and signed within two weeks upon signing it by Trojan Holding LLC.
Trojan Holding needs to hire and mobilize the team who will be responsible for delivering the project. The team should be of Construction
Backgroundbackground, not Project Management Contract Backgroundcontract background. They will be liable to build all Engineering aspects, methodologies, and other elements to progress the job.
Trojan Holding will start by hiring and finalizing all subsidiaries, gathering all
suppliers'suppliers’ details to procure the material, and mobilizing the necessary workforce for any activities that may commence as per the project program.
In the interest of clarity, the Trojan Holding team requires
four-monthfour months to conclude the final lump sum cost for the project, based on the approved budgeted price, which will be part of the agreement signed by both parties within two weeks.
We have already received the draft contract and scope of works
on Projectfor the project, on which our contract and estimation team are working to finalize it and get itget signed.
We may have a session on how the budget cost is formulated along with its supporting documents so we
all can all be on the same mindwavelength while consolidating the lump sum project amount.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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