Dealing with challenges is very difficult, but when I look back at the challenges I have had to face on my own, itthe most difficult might be when I had to Proveproving to my parents and myself that I can be something in the real world. I have worked so tough to bring uphard in all my classes, my. My Gpa you may say that’s nothing, but coming from a household with immigrant parents and feeling like all their struggles, all thetheir pain and all everything that went through just so I can Failfail them and them not beingnot make them proud, they. They gave me everything I havetoo much for me to let them down, so I am now at work my academicacademically. I have struggled. I’m not the greatest student overall, but iI do work hard. and iI get that you may not see that as a struggle or challenging, but being someone you neverdon’t know iyou can be is challenging because you are discovering someone in yourself that you never knew you had in you. whenWhen my senior year started i haveI set myself a goal that no matter how hard something gets to try all over aging, and toI must keep on trying. To be honest, I wanted to give up, dealing. Dealing with my depression while you wantwanting to prove something to your parents is very difficult. thereThere are challenges. it’sIt’s hard to be someone youyou’re not, and I’m not the studying type I am a smart student. But I am working on myself as I want to become a smart student. I want to become the studying type, but that all takes time. itIt takes time to learn something new, so it’s gonna take time for me to understand that I can do it

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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